(Non-native = non-native Species)
Sound |
Sounds |
Short Video
of Call |
Breeding Season
(/ = part of the month) |
Description of call |
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Anaxyrus boreas boreas
Boreal Toad
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A faint high -pitched plinking sound, like the peeping of a chick or a distant flock of geese. |
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Anaxyrus boreas halophilus
California Toad
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A faint high -pitched plinking sound, like the peeping of a chick or a distant flock of geese. |
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Anaxyrus californicus
Arroyo Toad
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A loud fast musical trill, about 10 seconds long, rising in pitch, and ending abruptly.
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Anaxyrus canorus
Yosemite Toad |
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A long, loud rapid musical trill, repeated at frequent intervals.
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Anaxyrus cognatus
Great Plains Toad |
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An extremely loud explosive jackhammer-like trill lasting from 5 seconds to almost a minute.
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Anaxyrus exsul
Black Toad |
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A weak chirp, similar to B. b. halophilus. Only a release call is known. |
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Anaxyrus microscaphus
Arizona Toad
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A loud fast musical trill, about 10 seconds, rising in pitch, and ending abruptly. |
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Anaxyrus punctatus
Red-spotted Toad |
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A loud prolonged high-pitched musical trill, lasting up to 10 seconds. |
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Anaxyrus woodhousii woodhousii
Rocky Mountain Toad |
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A loud snore or bleating (like a sheep) lasting 1 - 4 seconds |
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Ascaphus truei
Coastal Tailed Frog |
Does Not Call |
This frog is not known to make a breeding call or any other sound. |
Incilius alvarius
Sonoran Desert Toad |
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A weak, low-pitched whistling screech, 1/2 - 1 second in duration.
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Eleutherodactylus coqui
Common Coquí
Non-native |
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A loud two-part peep "Ko-Kee" with the accent on the "kee" approx. 1/2 second in duration.
(Breeding, therefore calling, can occur year-round in this frog's native habitat, but probably only occurs during when it's warm and wet in California.)
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LIthobates berlandieri
Rio Grande Leopard Frog
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A loud, short, low-pitched trill or rattle, lasting uder a second, given singly or rapid 2 - 3 trills. |
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Lithobates catesbeianus
American Bullfrog
Non-native |
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A loud low-pitched two-part drone or bellow, popularly described as "jug-o'-rum."
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Lithobates pipiens
Northern Leopard Frog
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A loud low gutteral snore-like rattle, which has been compared to a small motor boat engine. |
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Lithobates sphenocephalus
Southern Leopard Frog
Non-native |
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A grating, croaking, chuckling sound, made at night. |
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Lithobates yavapaiensis
Lowland Leopard Frog |
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Several loud, short low chuckles, sounding like quick, short, kisses. |
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Pseudacris cadaverina
California Treefrog (or Chorus Frog) |
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A loud quick low-pitched duck-like quacking that ends abruptly, given repeatedly |
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Pseudacris h. hypochondriaca
Baja California Treefrog |
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High-pitched, loud and two parted. Typically described as rib-it, or krek-ek w/the last syllable rising in inflection. Also a high-pitched, one parted, or enhanced call. |
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Pseudacris regilla
Pacific Treefrog |
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High-pitched, loud and two parted. Typically described as rib-it, or krek-ek w/the last syllable rising in inflection. Also a high-pitched, one parted, or enhanced call. |
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Pseudacris sierra
Sierran Treefrog |
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High-pitched, loud and two parted. Typically described as rib-it, or krek-ek w/the last syllable rising in inflection. Also a high-pitched, one parted, or enhanced call. |
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Rana aurora
Northern Red-legged Frog |
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A weak series of 5 - 7 notes, sounding like uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, lasting 1 - 3 seconds.
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UW |
Rana boylii - Foothill
Yellow-legged Frog |
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A faint one-note low-pitched, raspy series of 4 - 6 notes per second, with grunts, oinks and rattling. |
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UW |
Rana cascadae
Cascades Frog |
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A faint series of low grating clucking noises.
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UW |
Rana draytonii
California Red-legged Frog |
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A weak series of 5 - 7 notes - uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, lasting 1 - 3 seconds, ending with a growl.
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UW |
Rana luteiventris
Columbia Spotted Frog |
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A weak series of short clicking or knocking notes lasting up to several seconds. |
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UW |
Rana muscosa
So. Mtn. Yellow-legged Frog |
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A faint, short, rasping, often accellerated and rising at the end. Sometimes preceeding calls don't rise at the end. |
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UW? |
Rana pretiosa
Oregon Spotted Frog |
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A weak series of rapid low clicks or knocks. |
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Rana sierrae - Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog |
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A faint, short, rasping, often accellerated and rising at the end. Sometimes preceeding calls don't rise at the end. |
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UW |
Scaphiopus couchii
Couch's Spadefoot |
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A loud nasal groan descending in pitch similar to a lamb bleating.
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Spea hammondii
Western Spadefoot |
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A loud short trill, like snoring, lasting less than one second. Delayed rain may cause later breeding. |
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Spea intermontana
Great Basin Spadefoot |
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A loud, short 1-3 note duck-like snoring that has been compared to the sound of a flock of ducks slowed down.
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Xenopus laevis
African Clawed Frog

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A 2-part trill, about 1/2 second, repeated up to 100 times per minute. Only faintly heard in air. |
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UW |
(Non-native = Non-native Species)
Sound |
Sounds |
of Call |
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Description of call |
Time |
Location |
Breeding Season
(/ = part of the month) |
Night |
Day |
Air |
Water |